Guest Blogger: Laura Droege || Former Student in our Ministry and current UNC Student
Over the past year, I have had the honor and blessing of being involved
with an orphanage in Central India. If you came to Elevate this summer, you
may have heard me tell you about this group and the time that I have been
able to spend working with them. In the two shorts trips that I was able to
spend in India, God has given me a passion for this ministry and the work
that they are doing there. They have a vision of providing for 1,000 of
India's 23 million orphans a loving, safe, and God-centered home.
But, they need our help. As they are now, they are completely out of room.
At the moment they have 72 kids living at the orphanage and are turning
kids away regularly. A few years ago, God provided for them to buy land to
build a new campus on and now they are just waiting on Him to provide the
funds so they can build and move.
Will you help?
On November 12, from 6-9 at the Cole Mill Campus, we will be hosting a
Parent's Date Night with all proceeds going to their building projects. We
need your help watching the kids. The more volunteers that we have means
the more families can bring their children and the more donations will be
given to this amazing organization.
One of night spent with kids playing games, watching a movie and eating
pizza and you will help provide a home for a child in need in India, and
more importantly, provide a way for them to hear the Gospel and for God's
kingdom to expand throughout India.
Can you help make their vision a reality?
E-mail me at if you are willing to help out.
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