Thursday, December 23, 2010

Not Growing As A Leader?

Ever been in one of those seasons where you just felt like (as a leader) you were not growing in your leadership? Ever feel like there are times where you are filling up on great books, going to great conferences, spending quality time before the Lord, and yet still not growing as a leader? to. Allow me to offer a few things that have helped me in that process. (I know many of you are going to look at this list and say...But there's more than just these things!! Of course there's a blog post.)

  1. Evaluate: Maybe you have a cloudy goal that needs redefined. Maybe that goal that you are setting needs to stretch your faith more than it does. Perhaps you are spreading yourself too thin (doing too many things decent, and nothing great!) 
  2. Oil The Wheels Where They Stick: Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission once said that phrase in a letter to a secretary of the mission. What in the world does that mean? Ever heard the phrase "Vision leaks?" If we are not constantly leaking the vision of where God is leading our ministries, the wheels begin to stick (or rust) and the vehicle becomes more difficult to move forward. To quote Bill Hybels "Never underestimate how often vision needs to be rekindled for your people." The church is the vehicle, and moving the vehicle forward is to advance His kingdom and mission. God gives us the vision to make it happen. Don't allow it to rust the wheels.
  3. Do Something! Often times, it's the idea of being a leader that is sexy. Far too often, we get caught up in the dream of doing great things for God that we never actually do anything. Yep, that's right....many of us live in our own world where we convince ourselves that we are actually doing something. We tweet it, we blog it, we talk about it at conferences and in our networks, and we can even fudge with it on our numbers a bit if we really wanted. But are we actually doing it!?!?!? No cause has ever advanced with the leader on the sideline. Do you know why? Because when the leader sits on the sideline in complacency and laziness, God replaces him. 

Your Thoughts? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to do great things...just dont know where to start sometimes. I would really benefit from help in that area. We are doing good things, but i want to do GREAT things. Any help would be great.