Wednesday, April 11, 2007


As we are approaching our Metamorphosis weekend, this thought of Illumination just keeps running through my mind. (Partially because it is the theme for the weekend.) When Jesus was teaching his disciples in Matthew 5:16 about being "Light" to a world, what exactly did He mean? Was it that we are supposed to boycott Disney Movies because Aladdin says some "hidden things" in it? Was it that we are to oppose gay marriages? Did He mean that we are to be absolute freaks about throwing away our Non Christian Cd's? Sure. I guess. I think. NOT EXACTLY.

You see, we have conditioned our minds to think that being light to a dark world is Opposing those things which we know are wrong. Now of course, we should be opposed to things in this society. We should fight for the right of an unborn child to have life. We should fight for the sacredness of marriage. There are things worth fighting for. But Jesus was getting at something so much greater here.

We are a city on a hill that can not be hidden. The world should see us! There is no doubt about it. These ancient cities built upon a hill were often built out of white limestone. When the sun hit this city, there was NO HIDING IT. At night, when the people burned their lamps, the light could be seen for miles. There's no escaping this light for those down in the valley.

If we truly are followers of the light, that is Jesus the Messiah, this then should be evident in our lives. It should ILLUMINATE from our lives. To Illuminate the dark with the Light of the world is to live out the very mind and will of God. This is done not just in "Words," but also in "Deeds."

You see, "to let your light shine before men" means that we must find ourselves living amongst the world. Get out of our ghettos. Invade the culture. Build relationships with those who do not know Jesus. Have them over for dinner into your home. (True Hospitality.) In other words, to use the old cliche, "Do what Jesus did."

Folks, it's time to Illuminate our communities. It's time to Illuminate our families. It's time to Illuminate the dark. I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite authors, Mr. Bonhoeffer himself:

"Flight into the invisible is a denial of the call. A community of Jesus which seeks to hide itself has ceased to follow him."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason,

So, just to let you know I love reading peoples blog pages! Once again you have posted another great blog! Just wanted to say thanks for reminding us all of how to grow more Christ-like in our daily lives. Have a great weekend! Tell Katie and Smithie I said "Hi" and "HOOOONK!!!!".----Peggy